Distinguished Lecturer Seminar Announcement: Dr. Sudhakar RAO
The IEEE AP/ED/MTT North Italy Chapter is pleased to announce a Distinguished Lecturer seminar. Dr. S. Rao (IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer) from Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems will give a seminar titled “Advanced Antenna Systems for Satellite Communication Payloads” at the ELEDIA Research Center (ELEDIA@UniTN, University of Trento, Trento, Italy).
Where: Room “Ofek”, Povo 1 Building, Università di Trento, Via Sommarive 5, I-38123 Trento
When: Wednesday, May 5 2017, h. 11:00-12:00
Additional Details: please see www.eledia.org
Contact Point: Prof. Giacomo OLIVERI (giacomo.oliveri@unitn.it)